Happy Friday! This week went by very slowly and I’ve been feeling quite sluggish, so I’m glad we’ve got a long weekend coming up. I plan on spending it decluttering my bathroom as per my decluttering schedule, working on some freelance projects, and stuffing my face with as much turkey as possible (it’s Canadian thanksgiving this weekend for you American folks).
I’m Officially Injured
On Monday I went for a very slow run to test out my sore foot after two weeks off. Unfortunately it started hurting just 6.15km into the run. It has continued to be sore, so it looks like for now I’m banished to my bicycle and indoor workouts to stay fit.
This makes me sad, partly because I’ve been training all summer for my 10k race (two weeks from now), and partly because this summer of running has reawakened my love of long distance running. I love getting out on the road for over an hour at a time and covering some serious distance, especially in the fall, with the cooler temperatures. I want to run, but I can’t, and that’s maddening. I’m also sad to lose the cardiovascular fitness I’ve gained over the summer, and I don’t want to go back to the point where running a 5k is hard.
But enough whining. I have a plan of action: I’ve got an appointment with my family doctor next week, who will refer me for an x-ray to determine if I have a stress fracture. The problem is, with the wait times around here, I’m probably not going to get in for my non-emergency x-ray for a few weeks, and I don’t want to risk my stress fracture turning into an actual fracture by running on it. I’m hoping I don’t have a stress fracture, but we’ll see. The only upside is that this whole shebang is going to cost nothing out of pocket, because hello universal health care.
Apartment Hunting
Now that I’ve come clean about my planned move to Halifax in January, I can confess that I’ve been obsessively monitoring apartment listings. The problem is that most apartments listings are offering a Nov 1st availability, and I’m looking for January 1st. This leads to me going through a cycle of finding THE perfect place, lamenting that it’s not available when I need it, fantasizing about it, and then sadly watching it disappear from Kijiji. I repeat this process several times a week. At least I’m getting to know what’s out there, right?
Missing Money
Finally, yesterday I was performing my usual Thursday afternoon ritual of depositing my paycheque and moving money around when I noticed that my short term savings account (which houses my travel fund, my blog tax money, my moving fund, and my husband’s savings) wasn’t matching the totals I had in my spreadsheet. I checked and checked, and I still can’t find the error, but I was about $658 short in the actual account versus my spreadsheet. I’m going to continue comparing the numbers, but they matched at the end of September and not much has happened since then so I’m pretty stumped. I’m convinced it’s a bookkeeping error on my part, since there are no fishy transactions and this account isn’t even linked to my debit card.
If I HAVE to make up the shortfall, it’s going to come out of my blog tax money. I’ve been intentionally over inflating that account with secret plans to make it into a House Fund after tax season, but it looks like that plan is down the drain – sadly. At least I can earn it back in freelance income over the next few months.
That’s my week in a nutshell, what’re the highlights and lowlights of your week?